Every collection, I like to add one personal painting from my imagination. This piece is inspired by Hartney Bay. My favorite childhood memories were when my siblings and I would play games in the dark while we roasted marshmallows by a bonfire. The night sky always filled me with awe and great wonder.
Have you taken the time to watch the stars at night lately?
Fluid 100 Cold Press Finish, 6x8 inches, 300lb
Silver Black Velvet Flat 1/2”
Silver Black Velvet Round 8
Silver Black Velvet Round 6
Silver Black Velvet Round 2
M. Graham & Co. Artist’s Gouache: Titanium White, Payne’s Gray, Cerulean Blue, Prussian Blue, Quinacridone Red, Gamboge
Artist: Shulammite Reece
Reference photo taken by artist.