Our Home
There are many times where I have wondered...why am I here?
Why was I put here?
What is my purpose?
I know I'm suppose to be doing something, but what is that?
What am I suppose to do with the time I have?
When my time comes, how will I be remembered?
What legacy did I leave behind?
Growing up, I had a very difficult time finding where I belonged in the world. Since I began this online shop and pursued my art journey, I am only now starting to get an idea of where that may be. The credit goes to those of you who have continued to encourage me and believe in me. The conversations I've had with you since I began this journey are treasures I keep in my heart.
Being able to connect with those who value my art has given me purpose, fulfillment, and even peace. Perhaps, the answer to my questions is not really about me, but about humanity as a whole. The point of it all is that we're here to take care of each other and create a loving home for one another.
Fluid 100, Cold Press Finish, 100% Cotton, 9x12 inches, 300lb./640gsm
Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache: Permanent White, Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Turquoise Light, Raw Sienna, Opera Rose
M. Graham & Co. Artists' Gouache: Hansa Yellow Primary, Hooker's Green, Dioxazine Purple
Silver Black Velvet 3008S Flat 1"
Silver Black Velvet 3008S Flat 1/2"
Silver Black Velvet 3000S Round 8
Silver Black Velvet 3000S Round 6
Artist: Shulammite Reece
Artwork created from imagination