Our Adventure
There are many ways of life. Many choose fishing in my home town. I admire their dedication and sacrifice. Many of these men and women go months without seeing their family. Sometimes, tragedy happens and they don't make it back home. Hard working individuals like them make this world go round.
Fluid 100 Cold Press Finish 100% Cotton, 6x8 inch, 300lb (640 gsm)
Silver Black Velvet 3100ST Voyage Round #2
Silver Black Velvet 3008ST Round #2
Silver Black Velvet 3008S Flat 1/2"
Daniel Smith Watercolors: Payne's Gray, Hamatite Genuine, Raw Umber, Raw Sienna, Hansa Yellow Light, Manganese Blue Hue, French Ultramarine, Lunar Blue, Undersea Green, Perylene Green, Pyrrol Scarlet
Artist: Shulammite Reece
Reference Photo taken by Shulammite Reece during 2022 opener season