Have Fun
This painting was the most difficult painting I have done so far, emotionally speaking. I have a difficult time bringing myself to paint whenever I am not completely centered. This painting kept me up at night, since I have been unable to push myself to finish it in a timely manner. I would ruminate about how I was going to finish the lupines and leaves. The task was too daunting to me for some reason. After a couple weeks, I decided to just have fun with it. The whole point of painting is to have fun after all.
Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to perform greatly. However, when the pressure is too high, that can cause us to freeze and regress. Remember to have fun, whatever you are pursuing. ☺️
Fluid 100 Cold Press Finish, 8x8 inches, 300lb
Silver Black Velvet Flat 1"
Silver Black Velvet 6"
Watercolors & Gouache
Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache: Zinc White
Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors: Raw Umber, Manganese Blue Hue, Cascade Green, Undersea Green, Green Gold, Hansa Yellow Light, Carbazole Violet
Artist: Shulammite Reece
Photo reference taken by artist