Field of Dreams
Hello there and welcome back.
I hope you have been doing well. It’s been raining a lot over here in my corner of the world. Today when I would go out, it felt like a bucket of water would just fall right on top of me. It was absolutely ridiculous!
I’ve been busy trying to distract myself from some things that I have been struggling with. I have recently lost a family member and it’s been very difficult to try to understand what happened and why it happened.
I started this painting before everything happened. I wanted it to be very light, happy, and cheerful. I often paint with colors that are true to what I see, but in this painting I wanted the colors to be brighter than what they are in reality.
It’s come out very ironic because throughout the progression of this painting, which took about three and a half weeks to finish, I was experiencing a lot of grief and pain. There were many times where I was tempted to paint with black and grey; any dark colors really.
I think it was good for me though to force myself to continue being in the light even though darkness was very tempting to stay in the dark. This painting helped keep my mind from spiraling into the oblivion, which is admittedly my default.
I don't know who you are and what you're going through. But, whatever you are going through, I hope that you continue to do something that bring you light and warmth, even though it is very tempting to go through a path that numbs your sensations and leads to darkness.
Goodbye for now, and I hope you’ll come visit me again soon.
Silver Black Velvet Striper 1/4" - used in the beginning to experiment, I have never used this brush before so I wanted to try how it strokes onto the paper
Silver Black Velvet Round 12 - used mostly at the beginning stage to create washes of color
Silver Black Velvet Round 6 - the main brush used for the majority of the painting
Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors:
- Viridian Green - darkest dark
- Undersea Green - spruce trees
- Green Gold - grass, bushes & tree
- Serpentine Genuine - grass, bushes & tree
- Moonglow - tree trunk and rocks
- Ultramarine Violet - tree trunk and rocks shadow
- Quinacridone Rose - poppy flowers
- Rhodonite Genuine - small random pink flowers
- Wisteria - small random pink flowers
- Raw Umber - girl's boots, hair, book
- Cobalt Blue - girl's round pony tail & small random flowers
Michael Harding Handmade Artists Watercolours:
- Kings Blue Light - main color for mountains and sky & forget-me-not flowers
The Stoneground Paint Co,
- Florence Blush - skin tone
- Bloom Hue - skin tone
M. Graham & Co Artists' Gouache:
- Titanium white
- Olive Green - poppy buds
- Primary Yellow - middle of the forget-me-not flowers
Fluid 100 Watercolor Paper Cold Press Finish 6x8 inch 300 lb / 640 gsm
Watercolor Pottery Cup
Linda Schaubel Handmade Functional Pottery
Linda makes watercolors cups and paint palettes! They are my favorite! Contact her on her website or from my local art store, The Netloft.
Paint Palette
Art Toolkit:
- Large Folio Palette
- Standard Pans
Paint Pipette
LittleUnicorn Cotton Cloth